
2010년 11월 29일 월요일

Extracting VS2005 sln dependencies information

I have 220+ projects in my VS2005 solution file. My task is to create a new solution file by cutting some features. New one have 160+ projects and i need to set up dependencies between the projects.

To simplify these process i made Powershell script printing dependencies information. It worked as i expected. It will certainly ease your setting dependency work.

this script prints something like this:

projectA: projectB, base
projectB: base

Save the following script as Extract-VS2005Dependency.ps1
[sourcecode language="powershell"]
# usage
# powershell .Extract-VS2005Dependency -slnFile c:my.sln
[string] $slnFile = $(throw 'need slnFile path')

$projects = @{}
switch -regex -file $slnFile
"^Project.*= ""(w+)"",.*vcproj"", ""(.*)""" {
#$_ ;
$projects[$Matches[2]] = $Matches[1]


switch -regex -file $slnFile
"^Project.*= ""(w+)"",.*vcproj"", ""(.*)""" {
#$_ ;
$curProject = $Matches[1]
write-host "$($curProject):" -nonewline
"({[A-Fa-f0-9-]+}) = 1" {
# $_
# $Matches[1]
write-host $projects[$Matches[1]]"," -nonewline


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