
2021년 6월 9일 수요일

SEWU Jun 8

Make an example sentences with the words

-go about one’s day. : After my mother passed away, I took a while to go about my day.

-receive a look (receive looks): oneday when i get outside to meet my friend, I received a lot of looks from people. usually it's the quite opposite. It turns out that There is a bird pooh on my head.

-say to one’s face: People usually don't want to say something bad to one's face.

-heckle :

-go out of one’s way : when i play tennis, i always try to go out my way to make my son feel fun about it.

Answer the questions.

1..If you can move to another country, which would it be? and why?

2.What do you like about Korean culture?

3.If you could change one thing about your culture, what would it be?

There is a proverb " if one of a cousin buy a land, you"

4.Have you ever been in a situation where you felt you had to "do as the Romans do"?

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