
2021년 6월 26일 토요일

SEWU Jun 25


  • chronically : Chronic diseases are usually bad in the way they require longer time to fix. You need to live with them for the rest of your life. Therefore, You need to be careful if your family has genetic chronic diseases like asthma, diabetes and cancer.

  • unfold : It was a kind of mixed felling when i decided to move Canada. I was afraid since i didn't know anything about the life there. at the same time I was excited about new life will be unfolded.

  • sweep: my wife can make a sweeping judgement on how much alcohol i drink at today's meeting. How that is possible ??

  • inference : When i visited the Home depot today, I noticed that lots of fan are already sold out. not many left. Therefore, I could infer that weather was going to be hotter this weekend.

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