update 2012/11/10:
I created separate plugin to provide DOM AST viewer called ASTViewer. You can install it using the following update site :
for more details information see here : https://github.com/nberserk/ASTViewer
I can't find any useful resources yet. so I share this information on my blog.
DOM AST viewer shows Abstract Syntax Tree of C/C++ program in tree manner. very useful for AST related work. I don't know Why this viewer is included in test plugin. that's why we can't use it in official CDT.
anyway, here is how to use DOM AST :
- first get CDT source from CDT repository: http://git.eclipse.org/c/cdt/org.eclipse.cdt.git
you can get source code for each released version here. e.g. > CDT_8_0_2.zip - copy CDT_8_0_2.zip/CDT_8_0_2/core/org.eclipse.cdt.ui.tests to your hard drive
- import org.eclipse.cdt.ui.tests
- remove build error ( i removed all source files except org.eclipse.cdt.ui.tests.DOMAST)
- run
- Window->Show View -> C/C++ -> DOM AST
- done
Thank you for this post!
답글삭제I downloaded the sources for 8.0.2 (I am using eclipse Juno Build id: 20120614-1722). From sources I left only the org.eclipse.cdt.ui.tests.DOMAST and org.eclipse.cdt.ui.testplugin (in the second one I commented some erronous code and got the DOMAST working.
happy to hear it worked
삭제I installed ASTViewer, enabled the view in Window->Show View->Other->C/C++, the tab "ASTViewer" appeared, but it is always empty, even when I click on .cpp files in my project or open them. I don't understand why, how can I learn about the cause of this issue and/or fix it?
답글삭제I then tried to use DOM AST, but I don't understand the "import org.eclipse.cdt.ui.tests" step. I tried Window->Import but I have no idea what to choose from the options :( I'm using Eclipse Juno, CDT version 8.1.1.
the updatesite i uploaded at github is for Indigo, not for Juno.
삭제anyway the steps i mentioned is equally applied to Jubo plugins.
the import can be performed in File>Import>Genernal>Existing Project into workspace.
hope this helps
Thanks Darren, I can finally use DOM AST. By the way, I found that an alternative solution to removing source files from org.eclipse.cdt.ui.tests to fix the build error is to import org.eclipse.cdt.core.tests as well.
삭제thanks for sharing information