
2010년 12월 21일 화요일

Quickbuild script examples

Quickbuild를 잘~ 사용하려면 built-in script(OGNL)를 많이 사용해야 한다. script reference가 있음에도 친절한 수준은 아니라서 reference만 보고 하기에는 시간 낭비가 만만치 않다. 그래서 내가 사용했던 script snippet을 공유하면 도움이 되지 않을까 하는 생각에서 정리해 본다.

to use Quickbuild effectively, you should know how to use built-in script(OGNL). Though there is complete script reference, it's not easy to use it at first time. so It would be helpful for Quickbuild newbie to share these script snippet.

based on Quickbuild V3.x
+ Getting workspace directory of 'root/dev' on specific node.

+ Getting revision of last successful build of 'root/dev'

If TXT variable is equal to node's attribute value of 'CAP_GCC' returns true. otherwise returns false. This can be used at 'node match condition'.

check if this node is Windows OS

+ return true if all specified step is successful
+ select a build agent which doesn't have any job. this can be used at 'node match condition'
node.isBuildAgent() && (node.getJobCount()==0)
+ previous step is successful and check specific variable
+ add -c option when clean option checked

댓글 2개:

  1. I am wondering if you have other scripts for QB you can share?
    Trying to learn QB to improve career options. Would appreciate any help.

  2. If you ask anything i know, i surely answer it
